APRIL 24, 2020
I am sharing a letter I wrote just today to a so-called Green Economist. Despite all that is happening - these voodoo economic practitioners continue to believe that there are no limits to growth and that a green economy can somehow normalize our homeostasis with nature and we can return to continued population growth and its related side-effects.
Is it any wonder why we are in a heap of trouble!
Be wise, be kind, and think...
Dear Brian:
"infinite growth on a finite planet is suicide
"less is the no new more"
"The problem is us - and everything that we do'
Michael Moore, Earthday 2020
Planet of the Humans
Looming Near-Term Extinction, Limits to Growth, 1972
"We are following leaders who have taken us down the wrong road — selling out the green movement to wealthy interests and corporate America" - M. Moore, Planet of the Humans, Earthday 2020
Film Background - Planet of the Humans
This film was produced and released just yesterday in honour of Earth Day by the highly-regarded humanitarian activist and film producer Michael Moore. It is free for viewing on Youtube for the next thirty days. So share it while you can!
In the last 24 hours, this video has gone viral on the internet with viewings approaching one million and it is number five on the top trending Youtube videos.
The film is essentially about how Big Business and Deep State vested interests have taken over the so-called "Green Movement' and turned it into the " Green Energy Hoax" that operates to exploit, overpopulate and destroy the resources, climate, and biostructure of this little planet.
This film also touches on the perverse and nefarious merger of elite capitalist interests with famous environmentalists' organizations and movements who have joined together to perpetuate both the Green Energy And Renewable Energy Hoaxs at the peril of human existence on this planet. The film exposes how these environmental activist groups are now dancing with the devil of corporate oligarchal interests by promoting the idea that solar, wind, and biomass energy sources are clean and renewable replacement alternatives to fossil fuels. They are not. But instead, they are all outright lies that the film plainly and effectively exposes. Quite Inspiring.
Here is the official narrative for the film:
Michael Moore presents Planet of the Humans, a documentary that dares to say what no one else will this Earth Day — that we are losing the battle to stop climate change on planet earth because we are following leaders who have taken us down the wrong road — selling out the green movement to wealthy interests and corporate America. This film is the wake-up call to the reality we are afraid to face: that in the midst of a human-caused extinction event, the environmental movement’s answer is to push for techno-fixes and band-aids. It's too little, too late.
Removed from the debate is the only thing that MIGHT save us: getting a grip on our out-of-control human presence (infinite overpopulation and growth) and consumption (infinite exponential economic growth in a finite context). Why is this not THE issue? Because that would be bad for profits, bad for business. Have we environmentalists fallen for illusions, “green” illusions, that are anything but green, because we’re scared that this is the end—and we’ve pinned all our hopes on biomass, wind turbines, and electric cars?
No amount of batteries are going to save us, warns director Jeff Gibbs (lifelong environmentalist and co-producer of “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Bowling for Columbine"). This urgent, must-see movie, a full-frontal assault on our sacred cows, is guaranteed to generate anger, debate, and, hopefully, a willingness to see our survival in a new way—before it’s too late.
Featuring: Al Gore, Bill McKibben, Richard Branson, Robert F Kennedy Jr., Michael Bloomberg, Van Jones, Vinod Khosla, Koch Brothers, Vandana Shiva, General Motors,, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sierra Club, the Union of Concerned Scientists, Nature Conservancy, Elon Musk, Tesla.
Brian, Michael Moore is not the first to recognize there is no way forward and that all forms of conventional and green economic theories, thinking, and constructs are highly speculative and purely subjective. They all ignore existential physics, mathematics, and measurement. Concrete real physical processes, facts, and constraints have no place in their Alice in Wonderland Worlds. Their imaginary delusions also seek to usurp the universal laws of physics and its inherent mathematical constraints and constructs. This explains why they could not even comprehend nor effectively debunk the - Limits To Growth research and modeling when it was released back in 1972.
Now your gibberish and driveled response to the film and my email, begs for intellectual and critical integrity. It is firstly preposterous and utterly ridiculous to put forth any statements or conclusions without having viewed the whole film in its entirety. This is an insidious tactic incumbent of charlatans, fools, and voodoo dolls. You have no right or basis in fact or substance to say that some matter has been misinterpreted when you; yourself, have not fully examined this complete subject matter. To do so - is nothing short of reprehensible and appalling- invariably insulting the profound and noble tenants of civil discourse.
Notably being quite similar to those of the infamous White House twitter rantings, by you know who.
In the meantime Brain, you have otherwise entirely missed the point of the film. The Green Energy Hoax was hijacked by BIG Business and the DEEP State when crony environmental and demonic green economic movements started colluding and supporting their HIGH crimes against our little planet and humanity. Clear verifiable evidence of this criminality is provided in the form of websites, on-camera interviews/pictures, and authoritative charts in the film; for instance, we can see that The Sierra Club and Nature Conservancy are now evidently conjugal with the likes of the Koch Brothers, Tesla, and Goldman Sachs. A complete betrayal of the green cause and humanity.
An article today in Forbes Magazine confirms this evaluation and conclusion. Read More.
From your website banter and highly subjective nonsense, it is clear that you are also in cahoots with these barbarians and snake-oil merchandisers who promote and perpetuate the deceitful and incoherent policies and activities of the Academic Industrial Military Consumer Complex (AIMCC). That is most unfortunate as this criminal group seeks simply to preserve our current lifestyle while overpopulating and then destroying the finite limited and dying resources of this planet- hence, exacerbating and accelerating the complete extinction of our species by no later than 2050 - when most key natural resources will be effectively depleted. Do the math Brian and that's just 30 years from now - if we are lucky!
This tells us that if there are any possible hopes and ways forward then these old ways of thinking promoted by the AIMCC Kabul must be entirely discarded. They are archaic, incoherent, and totally illogical - failing beyond all reasonable doubt in both the universal courts and tests of common sense. Which such sense amoung their likes - is just not so common. New leaders, thinking, and ideas are therefore required because we can never expect those (AIMCC) whose thinking firstly created these problems will ever be able to solve them with their similar thinking and behavior. A humble sort of fellow named A. Einstein had affirmed this utter truth many years ago.
At the same time, there are many other highly esteemed and regarded professionals who agree and align with Mr. Moore's belief that we face a growing imbalance of population and resources that causes climate change, resource depletion and the rapid destruction of the biosphere in so many ways that combined leads to our inevitable near-term extinction. For example just this week Gail Tverberg wrote a truly insightful blog article titled, " COVID-19 and oil at $1: Is there a way forward? ' concluding similar concerns and particularly with regard to how the growing resource population imbalance leads to economic and civilization collapse and the possible extinction of our species.
Here is a summary of her key findings and conclusions:
There are clearly parts of the world economy that are not working:
- The financial system is way too large. There is too much debt, and asset prices are inflated based on very low-interest rates.
- The world population is way too high, relative to resources.
- Wage and wealth disparity is too great.
- Too much income is going to the financial system, healthcare, education, entertainment, and travel.
- All of the connectivity of today’s world is leading to epidemics of many kinds traveling around the world.
a) There will be a shake-out of governmental organizations and intergovernmental organizations. Most intergovernmental organizations, such as the United Nations and European Union, will disappear. Many governments of countries may disappear, as well. Some may be overthrown. Others may collapse, in a manner similar to the collapse of the central government of the Soviet Union in 1991. Governmental organizations take energy; if energy is scarce, they are dispensable.
(b) Some countries seem to have a sufficient range of resources that at least the core portion of them may be able to go forward, for a while, in a fairly modern state:
- United States
- Canada
- Russia
- China
- Iran
Big cities will likely become problematic in each of these locations, and populations will fall. Alaska and other very cold places may not be able to continue as part of the core, either.
(c) Countries, or even smaller units, will want to continue to limit trade and travel to other areas, for fear of contracting illnesses.
(d) Europe, especially, looks ripe for a big step back. Its fossil fuel resources tend to be depleted. There may be parts that can continue with the use of animal labor if such animal labor can be found. Big protests and failing debt are likely by this summer in some areas, including Italy.
(e) Governments of the Middle Eastern countries and of Venezuela cannot continue long with very low oil prices. These countries are likely to see their governments overthrown, with a concurrent reduction in exports. The population will also fall, perhaps to the level before oil exploration.
(f) The making of physical goods will experience a major setback, starting immediately. Many supply chains are already broken. Medicines made in India and China are likely to start disappearing. Automobile manufacturing will depend on individual countries setting up their own manufacturing supply chains if the making of automobiles is to continue.
(g) The medical system will suffer a major setback from COVID-19 because no one will want to come to see their regular physician anymore, for fear of catching the disease. Education will likely become primarily the responsibility of families, with television or the internet perhaps providing some support. Universities will wither away. Music may continue, but drama (on television or elsewhere) will tend to disappear. Restaurants will never regain their popularity.
(h) It is possible that Quantitative Easing by many countries can temporarily prop up the prices of shares of stock and homes for several months, but eventually physical shortages of many goods can be expected. Food, in particular, is likely to be in short supply by spring a year from now. India and Africa may start seeing starvation much sooner, perhaps within weeks.
(i) History shows that when energy resources are not growing rapidly (see discussion of Figure 3), there tend to be wars and other conflicts. We should not be surprised if this happens again.
We seem to be reaching the limit of making our current global economic system work any longer. The only hope of partial salvation would seem to be if core parts of the world economy can be made to work in a more separate fashion for at least a few more years. In fact, oil and other fossil fuel production may continue, but for each country’s own use, with very limited trade.
There are likely to be big differences among economies around the world. For example, hunter-gathering may work for a few people, with the right skills, in some parts of the world. At the same time, more modern economies may exist elsewhere.
The new economy will have far fewer people and far less complexity. Each country can be expected to have its own currency, but this currency will likely be used only on a limited range of locally produced goods. Speculation in asset prices will no longer be a source of wealth.
It will be a very different world!
So, Is There a Way Forward?
It is highly unlikely that there is a way forward out of this crisis. The global economy and supply chains are collapsing as are all major global industries. Digging a deeper hole daily. The global financial system is all set to collapse as the deflation of reported assets values of 40% or more will wipe out all the equity in the banking systems balance sheets. There is little doubt that at this very moment all global banks are technically bankrupt ( i.e liabilities far exceed realizable asset values) and that massive government bailouts will be required causing aggregate global debt to double in just a few short months.
Governments printing all this money in perpetuity leads historically to hyperinflation. This also means that in nominal terms pricing in oil and commodity markets will revert to much higher levels as shortages of all forms take hold. Don't be surprised when oil again hits $100 a barrel in the next 12 months. Moreover, food prices will skyrocket and famines will break out in many poorer countries causing social-political unrest and dishevel. Small business, travel, manufacturing, unemployment, and entertainment may never return to pre-crisis levels as we enter the darkest economic period ever known to our species - a much longer-lasting and deeper depression than the '30s.
Back in 2007, I forecasted the 2008 meltdown and moved millions of dollars in client money to cash and gold to bullet-proof their portfolios. It was clear that the system was broken and that economists and their hair-brained theories and applications would lead us to collapse and extinction. With assistance from my friend, the late and great Dr. Al Bartlett, in 2011 we wrote, under my signature, to Nobel-prize winning economist, NY Times columnist, Dr. Paul Krugman, stating that our current economic path would be impossible to sustain and that based on simple existential physics and related mathematics - we are thus causing and ignoring the future Invisible Genocide of our species. Of course, all Ivy League Voodoo Doctors are trained to ignore these realities.

Also back in 2011, nearly nine years ago, after considerable research, discourse, analysis, and meta-modeling I wrote another blog article predicting that the global financial system would collapse in 2020. Not because of economic modeling theories, Invisible Hands, monetary nor fiscal policies. No, because the limits to physical growth and its arithmetic would finally overtake the crazy insane theories and conceptual delusions of the green and classical economic academic communities. And they did.

OMG! Where is the Invisible Hand?
Read More - Economic Collapse 2020: A Failed Theory, published - "August 1, 2011" - T A McNeil, CEO Founder, First Financial Insights Inc.
In the last analysis, unbridled population growth is driving our path to collapse and extinction. Growing global population leads to the expansion of industrial manufacturing and agriculture that in turn leads to exponential resource depletion, biosphere destruction, and - of course, climate change. And perhaps in the just the next few weeks, we may begin to see a precipitous rise in temperatures, as Climate Scientist, Dr. Guy McPherson predicts - that ironically is due to a lack of industrial activity causing cooling aerosols NOT to be emitted into the atmosphere - further warming of the planet by 1-degrees Celcius. If by chance his often accurate and grim predictions are correct - then obviously - All Bets Are Off!
To conclude, the insane delusions of green and classical economists have led us down the proverbial garden path of suicidal infinite population and economic growth on a small beautiful planet. The uncontested dazzling gem of the universe. They ignore the laws of physics, nature, and mathematics - but most importantly these Voodoo practitioners forgot the overriding and most important rule of the universe... "NATURE BATS LAST!"
Be wise, be kind, and think...-
T. A McNeil
CEO and Founder
First Financial Insights Inc.