UK newspapers consider ad sales venture
Rivals working together to find ways of countering declining print revenues
Several of the UK’s biggest newspaper groups are in talks aimed at finding ways of working more closely in a bold move by the traditionally fierce rivals to combat a brutal decline in print advertising revenues.
The options being explored in conversations between senior Fleet Street executives include creating a single advertising sales operation as the industry faces the biggest crisis since the economic crash of 2008.
Talks have so far involved the Telegraph Media Group, Trinity Mirror and Rupert Murdoch’s News UK — owner of The Times, the Sunday Times and The Sun, according to senior newspaper executives.
It is not clear if Daily Mail and General Trust, owners of the Daily Mail, or Guardian News and Media, are involved in the discussions. Both companies declined to comment. The Financial Times also declined to comment about whether it was party to the talks.
The discussions are aimed at tackling the sharp fall in print advertising. Last year revenues from display adverts dropped 15 per cent, with publishers reporting similar figures for the first half of this year. The decline puts more pressure on an industry in which revenue from digital advertising has not grown at a sufficient rate to fill the gap created by falling print revenues.
Already, in many regions, the lifetime cost of wind and solar is less than the cost of building new fossil fuel plants, and that trend will continue. But by 2027, something remarkable happens. At that point, building new wind farms and solar fields will often be cheaper than running the existing coal and gas generators. "This is a tipping point that results in rapid and widespread renewables development," according to BNEF.
"The combine has load sensors in it that sense the volume of crop coming in, recording that as you go across the field," Rose said. That tells him how many bushels per acre each field is producing, data that gets fed into multi-year maps of each field that are color-coded to indicate different yields. "We take several years of data and make composite maps of a given field, then divide it into zones. You can manage those zones individually—taking soil samples to measure nutrient levels, and from there you know how much nutrients you need to apply in different areas," he told Ars.
If you think slavery doesn’t exist anymore—think again. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), almost 21 million people are victims of forced labor today. Of those, nearly 19 million are exploited by private individuals or enterprises, compared to slightly over 2 million who are exploited by the state or rebel groups.
With delivery trucks under constant attack, the nation’s food is now transported under armed guard. Soldiers stand watch over bakeries. The police fire rubber bullets at desperate mobs storming grocery stores, pharmacies and butcher shops. A 4-year-old girl was shot to death as street gangs fought over food. Venezuela is convulsing from hunger. Hundreds of people here in the city of Cumaná, home to one of the region’s independence heroes , marched on a supermarket in recent days, screaming for food. They forced open a large metal gate and poured inside. They snatched water, flour, cornmeal, salt, sugar, potatoes, anything they could find, leaving behind only broken freezers and overturned shelves. And they showed that even in a country with the largest oil reserves in the world , it is possible for people to riot because there is not enough food. In the last two weeks […]
Venezuelans Ransack Stores as Hunger Grips the Nation