What Will Happen When the Dollar Collapses?
Will It Be a False Flag Attack Or a Currency Collapse?
initiated a false flag event and burned down the Reichstag to gain
control over the German government. Could the same happen here in the
United States? My initial response to that question is, does it really
matter? The pattern of societal collapse
and subsequent governmental enslavement of the American people will be
largely the same whether the precipitating incident is a false flag
attack or a currency collapse. For the purpose of simplicity, let us
call the precursor event to all-out martial law, a currency collapse.
The Federal Reserve Is the Enemy of Humanity
Federal Reserve has been bleeding this country to death for a century.
What the dollar bought 100 years ago, can only buy three cents of
product today. This means that 97% of the value of our currency has gone
into the pockets of the Federal Reserve investors for the past 100
am amazed at the abject ignorance of the American people and that they
think the Federal Reserve is actually part of the federal government. As
we like to stay in the alternative media, the Federal Reserve is no
more federal than Federal Express. For the record, the Federal Reserve
is a privately held corporation which sells stock to preferred insiders.
In 1913, a small majority of Congress commissioned the Federal Reserve
to control banking in the United States. Without a doubt, this was the
worst decision ever made by an act of Congress.
There are many reasons why the US dollar is ultimately doomed to collapse. First, we are running out of just about everything that makes the industrial complex operative, so commodities such as oil are going to become scarcer and much more expensive.
Second, the free ride will end, in that the US will no longer be able to trade paper IUO's for hard concrete goods. You have a geopolitical world that is becoming more and more savvy to this unfair trade imbalance.
Third, the US military's overreach is just becoming to costly to sustain and that's puts more pressure on the currency and its reserve status.
Does history repeat itself? Sure looks that way when you compare Rome's rise and fall to the history unfolding in America. The problem is: there is no where to run nor hide.
Investors' Insights
June 4, 2014
Here's a Little History -
You be the Judge...