Housing market 10% overvalued in Canada amid condo risks, data uncertainty: TD executive
TORONTO — Canada’s housing market is 10% overvalued, with the biggest risks in condominium overbuilding and uncertainty over how many investors are buying, but the risk of a U.S.-style collapse is low, a top executive at Canada’s second largest bank said on Monday.

Instead, TD Bank, one of the country’s top three mortgage lenders and a growing retail banking presence on the U.S. East Coast, is watching house appreciation and the growing supply of condominiums.
“The high-rise condo market is an area we’re certainly watching closely, and I think all of the other banks, as well and the regulator, (are watching),” Ms. Reikman said in an interview.
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Housing prices and assets values will collapse by 50 to 75%
when interest rates spike by 3 to 4%. or more. That's just
mathematics. What will cause the spike? Oil prices are bound
to jump to 500 or 1000 a barrel within 5 to ten years, if not sooner. Food and material costs will rise proportionately, all of which is
inevitable. That's just physics.
And both are just logic.
Investors' Insights
June 6, 2014
Housing prices and assets values will collapse by 50 to 75%
when interest rates spike by 3 to 4%. or more. That's just
mathematics. What will cause the spike? Oil prices are bound
to jump to 500 or 1000 a barrel within 5 to ten years, if not sooner. Food and material costs will rise proportionately, all of which is
inevitable. That's just physics.
And both are just logic.
Investors' Insights
June 6, 2014
Who are these Bankers???
Ask George.