Bloomberg BusinessWeek - The Social Media Bubble is Quietly Deflating
Just a few months back, you may recall, along with Jim Rogers, we raised concerns about Facebook and generally the whole social media industry, referring to it as a generational fad and having difficulty seeing how a sustainable business model could be developed. Moreover, whether such tools or derivatives could find useful and profitable transitions into business markets. Guess what? Looks like the markets are tuning into Mr Rogers and ourselves as VC (Venture Capital) funding has plummeted to 2% this past quarter.
As one insider notes; what a business - "thinking about how to make people click ads" And that pretty well sums up the industry's "Critical Success Factor" and how you build any sort of Sustainable Competitive Advantage around it, remains a puzzle.
Anyway we still believe that the big ticket, high margin objects just simply requires good ole face to face contact - a little of that human touch!
INVESTORS INSIGHTS - February 18, 2013
JIM ROGERS - Facebook is not an Investment, it's a Waste of TIME
First Financial Insights
July 20, 2013

Just a few months back, you may recall, along with Jim Rogers, we raised concerns about Facebook and generally the whole social media industry, referring to it as a generational fad and having difficulty seeing how a sustainable business model could be developed. Moreover, whether such tools or derivatives could find useful and profitable transitions into business markets. Guess what? Looks like the markets are tuning into Mr Rogers and ourselves as VC (Venture Capital) funding has plummeted to 2% this past quarter.
As one insider notes; what a business - "thinking about how to make people click ads" And that pretty well sums up the industry's "Critical Success Factor" and how you build any sort of Sustainable Competitive Advantage around it, remains a puzzle.
Anyway we still believe that the big ticket, high margin objects just simply requires good ole face to face contact - a little of that human touch!
INVESTORS INSIGHTS - February 18, 2013
JIM ROGERS - Facebook is not an Investment, it's a Waste of TIME
First Financial Insights
July 20, 2013
Not a Happy Camper