ECONOMIC GRAPH OF THE DAY: UK Wildlife Index Decline (1968 -2010) To the point, forget about all the graphs, ch...
You may think that Peter's comments are absurd, outlandish or just plain funny from an investment, finance and economic point of view. We, on the other hand, view such measures and observations quite seriously. So much so, that in the end we believe that one his upcoming books "Bugonomics - The Silent GDP of Bugs" will far out pace Freakonomics as a best seller.
Bugs by their nature are existentialists, just as Pete's Economic Doctrine plants itself in this philosophic foundation. For when man is gone, what happens to Bugs? Or is the question worded backwards? Hmm.
Read the book..
First Financial Insights
July 30, 2013
BUGONOMICS - The Silent GDP of Bugs