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While we have long held a position that in the long-run there is no legitimate or logical reason based on sequential forward events, and both historical asset-class performance and purchasing power losses over the past thirty-three years to own this object, yet this psychotic placebo continues to attract the attention of speculators. Nouriel Roubini had candidly referred to it as a "barbaric relic" - his kind diplomacy is respected.
So why do promoters such as Dr Doom continue with there promotions despite all this? We can presume that they understand the psychosis of small investors attracted to such a cure all placebo and operate to take advantage of their fantasy. The above purchase of Sprott affirms the possibility of such a tactic by promoters.
But the most important issue is not whether to buy or sell this object - the real issue is disclosure. That is will the promoters advise the public of subsequent sales before they are effected or will they cleverly front-run them in various de facto forms ahead of small investors, underneath the radar of a complex myriad of international rules, laws and regulations?
Funny thing, we really don't expect answers to these questions any time soon.
First Financial Insights
August 20, 2013
Just Keeping them ...