One primary rule of investing - when the Company's top executives start dumping their shares, it's time to head for the hills. We are not going to set out all the reasons why and all the excuses executives use to justify their dispositions. Nope, instead we are going to ask you to look at the fellow captioned above and ask "what if this guy started dumping shares in that small town company from Omaha?"
Never happened, and if it did - you know that the flood waters are really coming.
It all boils down to how do you believe in folks that do not believe in themselves? Just plain-old folksy small-town stuff. There is however - one City-slicker - Jimmy Rogers, who thinks that Facebook is not an investment,its a waste of time. We agreed with him then, and still do.
This also may explain why Facebook users are so depressed - they finally figured out Jim's astute observation.
This also may explain why Facebook users are so depressed - they finally figured out Jim's astute observation.
Stockholders may soon join its users, as t is still just a click away from ten or less, on the Ticker.
First Financial Insights
August 14, 2013
" Facebook is not an investment, it's a waste of time"